Data Transformation

GenMap consists of a tool set to graphically define and execute simple-to-complex, generic mappings between a set of source data objects and target data objects of different type and granularity.

GenMap application was developed fully in Java/XML with an Object Oriented approach. Therefore, it can be run on any platform that supports Java/XML.

GenMap is designed to operate on multiple data formats. This feature makes it data format & data source independent, so that you can use flat files, XML, any DBMS, to fetch source data. In the same manner, target output can also be generated in multiple formats. This feature is implemented very easily just by plugging new reader / writer objects to the application.

GenMap allows the user to define mappings, which are fully or partially user-function-driven. User functions are “template-based” exits that can be used by map developers to handle complex mappings by just focusing on the source/target data layouts and associated transformation business logic in an easy and structured manner.

GenMap can be used stand-alone to define and execute mappings, as well as an integrated component of a higher-level integration, automation engine, such as Generic Task Editing and Execution Tool (GenTask). Mappings defined using GenMap can be used as tasks in GenTask.

GenMap provides a fully graphical and automated mapping environment, Below is an example screen capture of GenMap:

Here you can download the GenMap Marketing Paper
